The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) is the main organization in Europe for promoting common cybersecurity policies but… Did you know what is the ENISA Program for next years? Let´s see!
October is the European Cybersecurity Month.
Cybercriminals seem to be more connected between them each day, the communications flow seems to run better at the dark side and that is a clear evidence that in our side, there is a lot of work to do yet. Many people think that we can overcome cybercriminals some day. To run and act above them.
But it is impossible to get without a perfect organization like them. So, in order to fight cybercriminals, improve our communication skills in cybersecurity and improve our resiliency among many other things, ENISA was born. And since 2004 is working… but did you know what they do? Did you know what its program is for 2020-2022? We aim to you to learn more about ENISA and how it is helping to all of us during the european cybersecurity month!
ENISA Program for 2020-2022
Here you will find a summary by bullets about what are the main points of action at the ENISA Program for 2020-2022. If you want to have the full information, here you have the Official ENISA Programming Document for 2020-2022.
- Activity 1 (Expertise): Anticipate and support europe´s knowledge in facing emerging cybersecurity challenges. Here ENISA has 3 objectives:
- 1) Improving knowledge on the security of digital developments: Carry out regular stocktaking of EU expertise on the challenges of NIS related to existing or future services and technologies and making this information available to the EU NIS community… among others priorities.
- 2) Cybersecurity threat landscape and analysis: Conducting an annual EU threat landscape analysis providing a general technical assessment of existing and expected threats and their causes… among others priorities.
- 3) Research & Development, innovation: Assist Member States and the European Commission in defining EU priorities for R&D and deployment in the field of cybersecurity… among others priorities.
- Activity 2 (Policy): Promote network and information security as an EU Policy priority. Here ENISA has 2 main objectives:
- 1) Supporting EU policy development: Carry out a regularly updated stocktaking of current and future EU policy initiatives with NIS implications and make it available to the European Commission and national competent NIS authorities.. among others priorities.
- 2) Supporting EU Policy Implementation: Support the cooperation group and assist the competent national NIS authorities in cooperating in the implementation of already agreed EU policies (legislations) with a NIS dimension… among others priorities.
- Activity 3 (Capacity): Support Europe in maintaining state-ofthe-art network and information security capacities. Here ENISA has 3 main objectives:
- 1) Assist Member States’ capacity building: Advise and assist Member States in building national cybersecurity capacities based on national experiences and best practices… among others priorities.
- 2) Assist in the EU institutions’ capacity building: Representation of the EU decentralised agencies on the CERT-EU Steering Board… among others priorities.
- 3) Awareness raising: Work with the relevant national authorities to advise private sector on how to improve its own NIS through by developing key recommendations for the private sector cybersecurity… among others priorities.
- Activity 4 (Cooperation): Foster the operational cooperation within the european cybersecurity community. Here ENISA has 2 main objectives:
- 1) Cyber crisis cooperation: Further develop and organise Cyber Europe 2020, exploring new dimensions and formats to further prepare the Member States and EU institutions for cyber crises that may occur in the EU in the future… among others priorities.
- 2) Community building and operational cooperation: Provide the secretariat and active support for the CSIRT Network foreseen in the NIS Directive; Ensure, among other things, a well-functioning and resilient CSIRT Network IT infrastructure and communication channels. Ensure structured cooperation with CERT-EU, EC3 and other relevant EU bodies… among others priorities.
- Activity 5 (Certification): Develop cybersecurity certification schemes form digital products, services and processes. Here ENISA has 2 main objectives:
- 1) Support activities related to cybersecurity certification: support the work undertaken within the EU Cybersecurity Certification Framework; making available to designated stakeholders and the general public, information on cybersecurity certification schemes through a dedicated portal… among others priorities.
- 2) Developing candidate cybersecurity certification schemes: Support the work carried out under the EU Cybersecurity Certification Framework, including the provision of technical expertise to prepare candidate European cybersecurity certification schemes in functional application areas in accordance to the Union’s rolling work programme for certification… among others priorities.
- Activity 6: (Enabling): Reinforce ENISA´s Impact. Here ENISA has 2 main objectives:
- 1) Management and compliance: Optimise talent acquisition and retention to fulfill ENISA’s mandate; establish an appropriate development management programme; ensure a safe and healthy working environment, supported by proportional and adequate social measures… among others priorities.
- 2) Developing candidate cybersecurity certification schemes: Support the work carried out under the EU Cybersecurity Certification Framework, including the provision of technical expertise to prepare candidate European cybersecurity certification schemes in functional application areas in accordance to the Union’s rolling work programme for certification… among others priorities.
That is the key points of the ENISA Program for 2020-2022, if you wanna have more details about its activity during the current year, please visit the official website or download the complete ENISA Programming Documento 2020-2022.